For the past week I have been watching the Hulu streaming biography / documentary, “Thank You, Goodnight,” from Jon Bon Jovi, lead singer of the band Bon Jovi (…and for those who don’t know who that is, might I suggest you “Google” it..). They were a hugely successful rock band that survived and thrived where quite a few did not. The band had a camaraderie, a “brothers” type of loyalty with a family mindset. Their solid work ethic allowed them to continue to record and perform as a group to this day. It’s been interesting to watch as lead singer, Jon Bon Jovi, highlights the realistic side of being in a rock band and showcasing the dynamics of how much work went into achieving the massive success of the band. At age 60, he doesn’t shy away from describing how so much more work is involved with all aspects of the band performing again.
Some of their hit songs focused on “not looking back” but continuing to move forward with your life and your dreams. That is a significantly impactful statement to their core audience, at that time of kids in their teens, 20’s and 30’s along with the second generation of fans now. As adults, most of us have heard that phrase and sentiment, but to his fan base, it was and still is incredibly impactful because of the truth in it. A point that’s ageless.
As I think about all of this, I’m reminded of how each day, the present is soon to be the past. While we can’t turn back time, we can stay on the path of our future goals leading to our success. Embracing this mindset allows me to recalibrate to appreciate all aspects of my life. Learn from the past, focus on the future, and make the most of the present!plan of action. The time to figure it out is not after we find ourselves in the middle of life’s trials. Preparation is key! Stop, think, and act according to what we have learned from God. He will carry us through each step of the way.