I’m naturally more of an introverted person but I was forced out of my comfort zone recently. A couple of weeks ago, my church group went on a missions trip to British Colombia, Canada. We had a lot of fun activities and met a lot of new people. There were a lot of times that week where I felt uncomfortable. Walking up to a complete stranger, and talking about the gospel is intimidating, but the sense of reward when one person is interested, and listening is worth it all. The discomfort of waiting in line at the top of the waterfall waiting for your turn to slide down is far outweighed by the thrill of sliding down and into the freezing water below. There were many times that week where I was nervous and uncomfortable waiting for something, but none were as bad as when I was asked to teach the youth group lesson. I was going to have to stand up in front of people who looked the same age as me for 15 minutes and talk. Of course, I was told plenty in advance just so I could worry about it longer. It finally came time for me to give the lesson. I was able to make it through without it being too awkward in my mind. I was so relieved when I sat down after my lesson. Even though it was the most uncomfortable thing I did on the trip, it was also the most rewarding. I learned that life is more exciting when you’re a little bit uncomfortable.