2021: A Year in Review

By Katie Bigelow

As the year draws to a close, we have scheduled our strategic planning and are considering how we will lean into the coming year. As I reflect on where we've come, I'm humbled by the list of things we accomplished this year. While it looks different than it did a few years ago, our business is still small and new. We've learned many lessons and realize that there are many yet to come.

As an entrepreneur, I find that my goals and accomplishments and those of the business are intricately connected. My MBA may have my name on it, but the impact of the degree has permeated the organization. Our new building in Madison Heights houses our business but also stands as a physical monument of our work and family's sacrifice over that past six years to move Mettle Ops from an idea to a business that employs people and supports their families.

So here is my list. I would encourage you to make your own list. Not that we should ever compare, but for the purpose of evaluating where we've come and helping us to dream of where to go next. 

  • MBA - graduated from Temple University in May of 2021

  • EY Winning Women awardee - attended the EY Strategic Growth Forum that has changed everything

  • Revenue - highest ever achieved by Mettle Ops

  • Contracts - signed the most contracts in 2021

  • Contract Size - signed a $23.1M contract, the largest single award contract that we have received

  • Facility Clearance - achieved largely in part due to the efforts of Senator Peter's office

  • OMFV bid - the largest bid/program that we have pursued so far (we will win the next one)

  • Covid - we survived Covid while building the OMFV proposal and are forever grateful for our safety

  • Engineering staff - increased by 130%

  • Purchased R&D Facility - located in Madison Heights, MI

  • Bret Bigelow Foundation - launched a nonprofit in memory of our son to provide comfort and dignity to terminally and chronically ill children

As if we weren't busy enough with a growing business and eight children, we decided it was finally time to start our nonprofit. We have been planning the nonprofit for years and done extensive pre-work in preparation for the right time. While at the EY Strategic Growth Forum, it became clear that now is the time. As we begin the launch, please watch out for us on social media, follow us, contribute your time/talent/treasure, and help us make a difference in the lives of hospitalized children. 


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