Be the One

Have you ever met someone who was unique? They have an ability that sets them apart from everyone else. You may go to this person for advice or refer others to meet this individual so they, too can benefit. 

Businesses can be unique as well; having capabilities that set them apart in the industry. Businesses that are unique tend to gain a lot of trust and therefore gain a lot of revenue. 

As I travel from business to business connecting with owners and their capabilities, I learn what they are doing to make themselves unique. Below are three key character points to becoming unique. 

1. Quality

You must become an expert in your field and product. To become an expert, you must first become a student. Learn from those who have become successful in the industry and be teachable. This will take time, but your foundational knowledge will set you apart from those around you. 

2. Transparency

This character point involves honesty at all levels. You will gain your customer’s trust very quickly and become the “to go” business. Be honest about your pricing, your product, your faults, and your successes. Lying may achieve temporary wins, but honesty will gain a lifetime of victories. 

3. Steadfast

Steadfast is an Old English word used to describe something or someone who was unmovable, firmly fixed, or determined. The first known use of the word in written text was used to describe warriors who did not waiver in intense battle. Become the business that sticks around and always find a way. 

The three key characteristics are as applicable to oneself as they are to business. I have met several companies who share these points and are very successful. In whatever you do, create quality products (or services) that work, be humble enough to be honest with yourself and your customer, and never give up.


War Story 6


The Power to Get Things Done (whether you feel like it or not)