Customer Service

By Nicky King

"Thank you for calling customer service. If you're calm and rational, press 1. If you're a whiner, press 2. If you're a hot head, press 3," – Randy Glasbergen, Cartoonist.  

I would hope that extension 1 transfers to my desk and the others to a coworker.  For this blog, let’s call him Pete. Pete is more capable of dealing with the “whiners” and “hot heads” because he is calm, patient, kind and understanding. I know … I know! Who in their right mind wakes up in the morning and thinks, “I want to be a blessing to difficult people today!”, except Pete.    

Even though I laughed when I first read the statement by the cartoonist, it is certainly a reality today. What lessons can we learn from Pete that would help us to deal with difficult people more effectively? I will work to develop each of these ideas over the next few months of blogs.  

  1. Stay calm and don’t take it personal.  Remove our own emotions from the equation.  

  2. Actively listen and allow people to talk. Don’t talk over them and dominate the conversation. 

  3. Work to understand rather than reiterate what you memorized from the handbook.   

  4. Work toward an amicable resolution if possible.   

  5. Exhaust all options to go above and beyond to be a help. 

Alex Woodward suggests “Customer service means going above and beyond to keep the customer happy, whether that means answering any questions they have or resolving issues with a positive attitude. Customer satisfaction is the top priority, and hopefully creating loyal, returning customers.” We need to constantly remind ourselves that our company image is on display through conversations with people. We should work to leave a lasting impression that will grow relationships. While sometimes that is not possible, that should always be our goal!     

Dedicated to all the “Petes” in the workplace! Thank you for your example and encouragement to do what is right regardless of circumstances.   


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