Data Dump Your Brain

By Veronica Baginski

Data dumping is an idea where you transfer a significant amount of data between two technology systems like two files, two servers, two emails, etc. With all the technology we use to do our jobs or daily tasks, we are in the perfect scenario to data dump our brains. And I’m not talking about downloading your memories to live forever as a machine as Ross Gellar hypothesized but cutting out the noise in your head by committing it to paper or your technology.

Every day you have to remember what you have to do that day, next week, or what information you need to complete a project. It can be overwhelming to the point of increasing cortisol levels so you don’t sleep which gives you brain fog and then you don’t remember what you needed to remember which creates more anxiety and cortisol which leads to less sleep; you get the picture. By writing information down, you liberate your brain from having to focus on a task or idea so you can get more things done. Top CEOs regularly talk about leaving paper on the nightstand for things that pop into their brains right before sleep or carrying around a small notebook for ideas or reminders of what needs to be followed up on. These small habits can increase your productivity and reduce your stress. Your brain is now free to be creative and focus on the task at hand.


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