Ductus Exemplo

By Mikko Cain

There have been many books and publications written about the facets of leadership, but the Marine Corps’ Officer Candidate School has simplified what they screen for in one simple phrase: Ductus Exemplo. This translates to “leadership by example,” and you’d be hard-pressed to find anything else that could condense the concept of applied leadership into such a simple message. If you deem yourself a leader of men and women, what are you doing to show your subordinates what you expect of them? You can tell them all the things you want them to do and all the ways you want them to conduct themselves, but nothing could set the tone better than how you carry yourself. Everyone has a story or two of bosses that say one thing and do another, and nothing could make people want to abscond more.

Every day we must choose how to present ourselves and interact with others. A good leader understands that the example he or she sets for their subordinates can have a profound impact on how they carry themselves as they represent their organization. Compassionate and considerate leaders often beget compassionate and considerate followers. There are a broad range of leadership styles, but always keep at the forefront of your mind that it is up to you to set the example for those you lead. 


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