Extending the Legacy

From one of our favorite teaming partners…  

Extending the Legacy 

“A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.”

                                                                                  Proverbs 13:22

 As all of you are aware, Vyper has developed a unique vehicle, using not only COTS, but new technologies, and when blended together becomes a superior vehicle for military, search and rescue, law enforcement and commercial use. This light weight, agile vehicle will set the new standard in these applications for efficiency and mobility.

As a team core member, I am proud to have you join us in this expansive role to produce and distribute such a unique vehicle throughout the world. In addition, we are continuously bringing advanced technology to the forefront with our vehicle. We are moving away from outdated technology, of which prior vehicles, when introduced by other companies, are ten years behind the times. Even though politics may play a role in the old way of doing things, it also has to do with the way lethargic companies tend to think and how they pursue profits.

Yes, I am politically incorrect, and we will experience resistance, however, let me make a point: LEGACY is what each of us are building. A legacy we may pass down to our children, grandchildren and generations to come. Building on that legacy we can be proud that we have served our country in a lasting way with opportunities forged by our core team.

Pushing forward through trials requires focus on Him. Reflection is an opportunity to see the blessings of that experience: stand strong. 

Thank you for your support, advice and expertise.

 Nicholas J. Chapman, CEO
Vyper Adamas, Inc.


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