How to Choose Quality Contractors

By Anne Walter 

Commercial or Residential? The first question that is asked when calling a contractor about an appointment. They are a requirement for a well-run, functioning business or from a personal standpoint, our homes. Whether it is Roofing, Siding, Gutters, Heating & Cooling (HVAC), Painting, Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry, Concrete, Masonry, just to name a few...I could go on, but you get the picture. Along with fixing an occasional problem, there is also yearly residential / commercial building maintenance to consider as well. Contractors are an essential and vital part of our everyday lives but finding the “right” one can be a very frustrating process! 

Let’s focus on the three (3) main and most common contractors people use. They are Plumbers, Electricians, and Heating & Cooling (HVAC) technicians. So how do you choose a quality contractor? What about pricing? Availability? Unless you have an unlimited budget, many of us struggle to find an affordable, high-quality contractor.  

Having owned a home for several years, I have learned to continually maintain a database of recommendations from friends, relatives, even current contractors that could provide me with additional options. Even social networking sites like “Nextdoor,” where participants share their experiences both positive and negative, can be impactful, especially with the ones to avoid. With all that preemptive preparedness, you might think that I have found the solution to finding quality contractors, but I have to say even then, I have encountered a “bad” contractor. 

Even with a known recommendation, you must have your research done beforehand, be “actively” attentive during the appointment and most importantly, ask lots of questions! You will learn a great deal about your issue, your options, and above all, your contractor. These assessments will help you to decide on his technical abilities, his level of customer service and whether you will be a repeat customer as well as recommending that company and/or him to others.  

You can and should set the level of acceptance for a quality contractor. Doing the research, asking questions, and expecting the level of service you deserve, can accelerate the process of finding a quality contractor…and when you do, don’t forget to share it with others…we all want to know!!  


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