Lasting Lesson from an OPD Session

Sitting with the officers of a high-powered Field Artillery unit, we thought we were the best thing since sliced bread.  The Battalion Commander proceeded to ask each of us what we considered a successful career within our given profession.  Our answers were most likely typical responses from young company grade officers; Battalion Command is what flowed around the circle.  Each of us thought this was the pinnacle of a successful career.  He proceeded to take the wind out of our sails and provide a lesson that has stuck for years.  He took about 20 minutes to teach us about professionalism through learning.  As he put it, becoming a “student” of your profession is more important than any other trait, and that will make you successful.  How does one become a “student” of any profession?  

1. Education

2. Training

3. Seek out a Mentor

4. Mentorship

5. Relationships

6. Networks

Master these items above, and success will happen. 

Written By: Mark Bigelow


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