Never Stop Learning

By Veronica Baginski

Everyone has heard the phrase “A jack of all trades is a master of none,” but what most people don’t realize is the real saying is “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but always better than a master of one.” That is the real saying. What the first half of the saying implies is learning additional skillsets, but not becoming a master, is somehow a detriment to you. But what the full saying implies is learning multiple skill sets, and knowing a little bit about everything, will put you farther ahead of the person who is a master at one skillset.  

After you graduate college, very few people continue their education. They give up on reading, they give up on research, and most people default to reading about pop culture or sports. But learning new things always helps you in the long run. If you know a little bit about electrical, you can do work around your house without having to hire someone. If you know a little bit about finance, you can do your own taxes instead of outsourcing it. If you know a little bit about cars, you can change your oil instead of waiting for someone else to do it for you.  

My one advice to a college kid would be never stop learning. Develop a love for learning, develop a love for reading, develop a love of curiosity to understand new things. Every person with a smart phone has more technology in their pocket than the rocket that took the astronauts to the moon. There is no excuse for not being able to learn a new skill or learn about a new topic. You can learn almost anything for free on YouTube, you can learn a new subject matter on any podcast, and apps like Audible or Libby allow you to listen or read books on the go. Learning something new is not a complex process and you don’t have to go so far outside your comfort zone that you give up. You can start with learning something fun or learning something that you might not ever apply in your daily life. You can pull up a history podcast and learn about the ancient Greeks and Romans. That then turns into another podcast and another podcast and before you know what you’re learning about science and listening to an astrophysicist explain the multi universe theory. The goal is to never stop wanting to learn or being curious. 




Becoming a Lifelong Learner