The Importance of Kindness

By Anne Walter

Recently, I’ve read a couple of posts about someone’s experience with various random acts of kindness. The author was either the direct recipient or had witnessed a person doing a kind act for someone else. The posts publicly thanked them and wanted to encourage others to continue this behavior. By sharing this with the general public, the author stated that they wanted to create a broader awareness of the importance of being kind to others, and that it should happen more often. 

As you can imagine, the responses were extremely positive and encouraging.  People wanted to let readers know that they too would continue this mindset and “pay it forward.” It became contagious and inspirational, and this mindset was extremely uplifting!

I felt fortunate I happened to read these particular posts, and it made me contemplate what I could do to extend kindness as I encounter others throughout my day. I have always felt that, somehow, each one of us has some obligation to make this world a better place. Whether it’s labeled a personal legacy or mantra, our daily interactions are interspersed with opportunities.  Some are more apparent than others, differentiated only by the level of importance we apply to them. 

Extending kindness to someone has far-reaching effects on all of us. Directly to the recipient and indirectly to the giver and all those who witness it or share it with others. We never truly know what another is going through or experiencing that day. Extending kindness is rooted in respect for others. It’s that simple.

You’ve heard the saying, “you will receive what you give to others” and that is so true. Kindness – a great reminder of what is tremendously important!


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