The Right Time, or is it?

Written by Anne Walter

Typically, I have a “to-do” list that I seek to complete whether it’s daily, monthly, or even yearly.  Occasionally, I will decide to let something go because I’m not sure how to resolve the issue, so I just live with it.  In the past two weeks though, in the midst of updating some of my window treatments, I decided to address a major décor endeavor that was on my list for the last three years...(I know…shocking right??...)..and made it a priority to figure it out.

In a burst of inspiration, I created a process of what needed to be done and to execute it to my satisfaction. Over an entire weekend, I took on this project, shortened, and rehemmed eight pairs of ceiling to floor, lined drapes.  Sewing for hours and hours at a time was exhausting but I was so proud of myself for finally figuring out the entire process of how to do it…how much to shorten?, are they even?..etc...and doing it successfully.  In the end, I had an immense level of pride and each time I’m in that room, my eyes glance toward those drapes and I let out a deep sigh of satisfaction!

As I think back, my desire was always there and the level of difficulty hadn’t changed, but it was my mindset that made the difference!  I think to myself, “why did I wait so long?”  In retrospect, sometimes resolution will happen at the time when everything is aligned for success.  Initially, the desire didn’t outweigh the work involved, and that balance needed to be reversed.

Although I tried to convince myself that I was happy with the current design, deep down I knew I wasn’t.  The timing of this decision was a reminder that some things need to be done at the right time for me.  To finally get to a point where there was enough motivation to acquire the answer at all costs.  In that moment, I was on the road to success!  So even with something as ordinary as this, it’s an example of doing things at the “right time” and that awareness is as individual as we are!     


Teaching to Learn

