Year-End Reflection V.2

Written by Nicky King

For my last blog of 2023, I want to reflect on this past year and answer the following question, “What are three words to describe the past year, and how do I allow that to shape my life going forward”?  The answer is often the same every year – blessing, challenge, and growth. Reflecting on blessings is easy and brings much joy. Challenges are never fun, but necessary. Growth naturally flows from a heart that takes personal responsibility for actions and a desire to improve.

My blessings in life are the people I love and treasure. Spending time creating memories, growing relationships, sharing blessings and burdens, and encouraging one another is very important to me. Investing in people I love (and that love me) is never difficult or burdensome. Investing in the “hard to love” people, however, is the area I need to grow in this coming year. This will create some additional challenges, but an area where I want to seek victory.  

Everyone deals with unique challenges. Whether it is physical, mental, or emotional stress, fighting to overcome failures and shortcomings, dealing with difficult circumstances, etc., we all face difficulties in life. It is not for us to compare one another’s journey, but only to reflect and determine how we will allow it to shape our own lives. Challenges provide brief detours but should not be used as an excuse for behavior. Each of us is personally responsible for how we respond. I cannot remember, but I know I read this once and it is so true, “the problems are never around us, they are in us”. 

Growth is important and something that should be pursued all our lives. As we learn, we grow. Challenges offer opportunities to grow. Since we were born, all we have done is grow. Reflecting on how I have grown and how I want to continue is something I think about often. How does my thinking, my attitude, my perspective, etc. need to change? Growth doesn’t just happen. It comes after careful reflection that leads to actions. I am a firm believer that I cannot change other people, but I can take responsibility for the change that is necessary in my life. This change can only be accomplished through much prayer and is always based on God’s truth.


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