Written by Danielle Birchard

Communication gaps within the workplace, and within every aspect of one's life, have a vital impact on relationships, projects, and an ability to get a desired end product. Everyone seems to recognize that communication is vital, so why is it that people struggle with it so much? Why is communication the first thing that is brought up in every performance meeting but is never addressed to the fullest extent.

Often there is simply a not a full understanding that communication is missing. People often assume that the other party already knows the details, or that they should have assumed what the first party was thinking. This never works, and always leads to a communication gap. Assumptions should not be made in the communication of any relationship, especially when tensions are high. Communicate clearly, and often. Do not provide so much detail that the other party then begins to ignore the communication, but to find a balance somewhere in between.

Stress can also often lead to communication gaps. Things are simply forgotten, leading to more and more issues. Important details are not communicated strongly enough. Interactions can become filled with words said in hast and without though, the opposite of truly communicating. Words are said that are later regretted, are taken out of context, or are said with emotion.

There is often a sense of pride that will cause people to think that they don't need to communicate, that people should already know what steps they should be taking. Pride should never come before the outcome of a project, or the relationship that is put to test while the communication barrier is being hurdled. In general, communication is an art form that everyone in all stages of life can improve on.


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