Situational Opportunities

Written by Anne Walter

Although we tend to associate the definition of an “opportunity” to be within a business setting, we are actively presented with all types of opportunities throughout the day. Whether a brief exchange with a stranger or engaging a coworker, it is an opportunity.  Those interactions can be characterized as “situational opportunities.”  Some are more apparent than others, differentiated only by the level of importance we assign to them.

So how do we respond to these “situational opportunities”?  Sometimes with chance encounters, a minimalistic reply is sufficient.  At other times, I have found a little effort goes a long way, resulting in more meaningful and informational dialogue.  The end result, I come away with more information and have received a higher level of customer service.  Choosing to engage within a “situational opportunity” requires a little more effort, but I can honestly say 99% of the time, it was well worth the few minutes I invested. 

Within the workplace, we also encounter “situational opportunities.”  Embracing these chance encounters with a fellow employee gives us the option to respond in a way that leaves an impression.  An impression, that incredibly important footprint that’s left behind.  The impression we leave demonstrates the level of care and the value we place on that interaction.  Our work environment relationships are critically important, not only for our social wellbeing, but for our team camaraderie as well.  How we choose to respond will either move us in the direction toward success, mediocrity, or failure.

Whether it’s a chance encounter or a daily interaction, “situational opportunities” are everywhere.  The question is, “do we maximize their potential, or do we let them pass us by?”


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