Other Service Opportunities

By Jeff Manring

In my last blog posted March 14 I shared a potential opportunity to serve on the Trail Life USA Board of Directors. After a detailed phone conversation with a board member, I was informed that I should continue to serve in my current capacities at the troop, area and regional levels. That closes my board nomination without having to travel to South Carolina for the board meeting. The Lord opens and closes doors as He wills.

While I was initially disappointed, my Regional Team Leader (RTL) was not. He has offered me two other regional roles to consider: Regional Training Chairman and Assistant Regional Team Leader. As Regional Training Chair, I would be on the national training committee and participate in regular Zoom meetings and work on sub-committees to update current and create new training courses. As Assistant RTL, I would help coordinate regional events. Both new roles would create a significant increase in work on a regular basis.

Since I was nominated for the board, the Regional Training Chair has been offered to someone else who accepted. But that person may be a better fit than me for the Assistant RTL position. If I want to accept one of these positions, I may suggest that the other person take Assistant RTL and I take Regional Training Chair.

Since taking on the Area Point Man role two years ago, my continued challenge is to get other parents in my local troop to take over my Welcoming Committee Chair and to lead preparations for the troop open house in September. The need is greater now if I want to invest more time supporting regional leadership needs.

There are still many decisions pending on where to serve my Trail Life community. I will keep you posted again next month.

Walk Worthy!


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