What Do You Do When Met With Resistance?

By Matthew Godfrey

The term failing to success can have different meanings. Some fail to success due to a situation or circumstance. Some find themselves in a situation where they are not sure how they got there.

There is also the idea that in order to become proficient at something, to truly a master of your craft, repetition is required. The courage and strength that is needed to face an overwhelming obstacle knowing that before you start, failure is the most likely outcome. Sometimes it is a certainty.

Still, you reach your hand out to the wall and pull yourself up. Well, that is the case in rock climbing. I use the physical challenge with eminent doom and the risk of physical harm to tighten my focus. The pressure cooker in my head is only matched by the mounting pressure on my body. My preparation and previous failures are the keys to any semblance of success. And just when you think you are on easy street and nearing the summit, down you fall again. Let the problem begin, again…

What do you do when met with resistance, shrink to the challenge, or devise a plan?


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