Precision in Design

By Kurt Ansorge

It is important to understand the level of precision required for a given design in order to deliver good function within the intent of the customer requirements. Creating parts with too tight of tolerance will add unnecessary cost to a given design, while not enough tolerance can result in non-functional or poorly working parts that do not meet design intent. Determining the right level of precision often depends on a few factors:

·       Force(s) involved in the design

·       Size(s) of material parts involved

·       Type(s) of material

·       Machining method(s) employed to achieve final dimensions

Setting the right material tolerances within a given manufacturing framework allows the correct level of precision to be achieved. With access to modern manufacturing methods such as waterjet, laser cutting, CNC machining, and robotic welding, many material/design combinations are now possible at reasonable cost with high levels of precision for the final product. Taking all the variables into account during the design phase is important for optimizing design cycle time, overall system cost, and end system performance.


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