What’s Goin’ On?.....

By Anne Walter

As I was listening to various music over the weekend, a song by Marvin Gaye, “What’s Going On,” started playing. It was a classic song from years ago, and as I listened to the words, I found it ironic how a song released in January 1971, addressing the divisive issues of that time, can still be relevant and relatable 51 years later. Racial issues, the Vietnam War, and the Watergate Scandal to name a few…, highlighted the division and fractures that affected so many people.

I decided to look up the lyrics ..“thank you Google!”.. and found many of the words still relevant today. Within our current global environment and constant uncertainty, again we are in an overall state of division, fear, and potential conflict. Fifty-One (51) years later. Seriously, that’s over half a century! As I glanced down at my phone, I thought about how much progress has been made and how dependent we have become on these technological advances. Something as simple as a phone, has now become so complex and yet so essential, that I start to “panic” if I’ve forgotten mine at home. It has become a necessity in all aspects of our lives. I can remember a time when everyone used corner pay phones and a quarter was your cell phone currency. Somehow, it just doesn’t seem that long ago, and yet, it was.

At that point, I started to think about the advancements that have been made in the fields of Technology, specifically within our Military, and how the use of robotics and artificial intelligence play such a critical role. Those areas have changed how we interface with others and how instant communication has become such an important part of our lives.

Those are just a few highlights in the ever-changing, global backdrop of the world today.

It also speaks to what we are capable of, when the focus is on what is profoundly important. Individually, and as a global society, we have come so far in so many ways, and need to keep moving forward, looking toward the future. We must continue to work together for the greater good, so in the next 50+ years, we don’t have to view the same backdrop of relatability but see the impact of our connectedness.


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