The Necessity of Social Interactions 

By Anne Walter 

Social Interactions….not really a commonly discussed topic until a few years ago.  Since the pandemic in 2020, I can honestly say most of us have been affected in some way, by either the significant limitations or the complete absence of our typical social interactions. Due to temporary restrictions in place at that time, my intermittent social connections started happening much more frequently. For me, they became part of my daily routine. Their length increased from daily “chit chat” to actual discussions. “In close proximity” was not the determining factor for neighborhood friendships anymore. You walked across the street. You talked to people you didn’t know or barely new. That’s the beauty of venturing beyond our comfort zones. 

Daily social interactions are extremely important for our personal well-being and in 2020, we learned just how important it was to all of us. Being a part of something larger than ourselves and acknowledging that we all need each other, is an essential element for happiness. 

This is also true in the workplace as we have come back around to our consistent interactions with others. For me personally, being back in the office five (5) days a week has pushed me back into the familiar “pre-pandemic” comfort zones, but I think it’s important to retain my newly created boundaries. I need to remind myself to continue to move past my typical social borders, ultimately creating new ones. 

Social interactions are vital to our wellbeing and the value we assign to that concept can be a strong reminder of its significance and to never limit ourselves. 


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